Fashion in Film Blogathon: Day 1

Helen Rose Designing Woman

A great hat can really make a statement and nobody understood that more than Lilly Daché. Lily’s hats graced the heads of everyone from Marion Davies to Carmen Miranda.  Kay from Movie Star Makeover is here to kick off the blogathon  by telling us a bit about the legendary hat designer to the stars.

Sometimes, all you need to stand out on screen is a nice slip.  Head on over to A Person in the Dark to take a look at some of cinema’s greatest slips.

Inspired Ground takes to Polyvore to create looks inspired by Audrey Hepburn, My Week With Marilyn, and Midnight in Paris.

Valley of the Dolls may have been one campy movie, but it did have some pretty fabulous costuming.  The Gal Herself offers up some musings on Travilla’s work on this cult classic.

Louise Brooks was truly an icon of 1920s fashion, but her influence has extended far beyond the 20s.  Kimberly from GlamAmor takes a look at Brooks’ most famous film, Pandora’s Box, and how it continues to set trends today.

I Luv Cinema shares some of her favorite film costumes, ranging from ones worn by Audrey Hepburn to Kiera Knightley.

Silver Screenings pays tribute to Lina Lamont and her lavish Walter Plunkett wardrobe.

It’s hard to talk about fashion and film and not talk about Marilyn Monroe and Travilla, the man responsible for some of her most iconic costumes.  Dawn from Noir and Chick Flicks tells us about the story behind the infamous white halter dress from The Seven Year Itch.

Java’s Journey showcases Helen Rose’s work in The Tender Trap.

Caftan Woman ventures over to the dark side with a look at the costumes of the film noir classic Born to Kill.

Fashions of 1934 may not be one of the all-time great movies, but it is interesting for a number of reasons and Critica Retro tells us why.

When it comes to fashion, women don’t get to have all the fun.  Christian from Silver Screen Modiste spotlights some of the most stylish men to grace the silver screen.


  1. PS–Her name is spelled oddly…Lilly, not Lily…FYI. Thanks, Angela, for making me a part of this? K


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