Coming in March…

It was too much fun to only do it once!  That’s right, the Fashion in Film Blogathon will be returning to The Hollywood Revue on March 29 and 30.  If you’re in the mood to write about costume designers, style icons, trendsetting movies, the costumes in a particular movie, or anything else that relates to costume design, please join in!

As always, even though this is a classic film blog, don’t feel obligated to stick to movies from the classic era.  Posts about costume design from any and all eras of film are very welcome.

If you’d like to participate, please leave a comment here or e-mail me at HollywoodRevue AT gmail DOT com.  If you don’t know what you’d like to write about yet, don’t worry, there’s no need to sign up for a particular subject.  If you have any questions, just let me know!

During the last Fashion in Film Blogathon, everyone who participated had excellent posts, so I’m very excited to see what all of you come up with this time around!

Banners are under the jump…

FIFBlogathon_Rita FIFBlogathon_Norma FIFBlogathon_Kate FIFBlogathon_Hedy FIFBlogathon_Grace FIFBlogathon_Liza


  1. I told myself I wasn’t doing any blogathons for a while, but I MUST make an exception for this. I have no clue what I’ll cover, but I’ll let you know soon.

  2. I was thinking about the Fashion in Film blogathon just yeasterday! you can count on me, soon I’ll be back announcing my topic.

  3. Since I’m a fashion-in-film blogger, I cannot resist this call! I sent you an email with my topic suggestion…let me know if you’re okay with that and we’ll be off to the races! Warmly, Kay

  4. Angela, this is a different one for me, but I would love to do a piece on the exaggerated fashions in “Austin Powers.” I was a teenager in the 60’s, and remember it well. I think that might be fun. Sound OK to you?

  5. OMG, woman, I am SO there! I had a blast last year– all of the entries were sooooo damn good. I expect nothing less this time around!

  6. I’m back! And, as always, sooner than I expected. I intend to write about the film Fashions of 1934.

  7. I would like to do a post on Costume Designer: William Travilla. If he is not already taken.
    Thank you.
    Dawn from Noir and Chick Flicks.

  8. I hate to pull out, but I am not going to be able to do a piece for the fashion blogathon. It’s not going to be a good time for it. I do hope it goes well for you — I’m sure it will!

  9. Hello, I know I’m pretty late on this one but if I’m not too tardy, could you count Frankly My Dear in? This was really fun the first time around and I don’t want to miss it!

  10. I’ll definitely participate, fashion in film is always a great topic! By the way, loved the little video edit you made, that’s quite an original way of promoting the blogathon!

  11. Hi Angela –

    I don’t know how I missed this until now. If it’s not too late, I’d love to take part with a look at the costumes/characterization in “The Women.” Let me know if I still have time and if that choice is available.



    1. Of course you can join! My only requirement for this is that it be related to fashion in film, so the sky’s the limit for how you want to approach that. Polyvore would definitely be a fun way to go with it.

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